

There are two popular views about UFOs running simultaneously today. One view takes the scientific approach with little regard for reported UFO sightings by the general public, opting instead to rely on scientific data—a signal or sound, for example, captured by any of the enormous radio telescopes stationed at strategic points around the globe. These huge scopes are not only listening, but also actively sending signals from Earth to the outer regions of space. This, of course, is in the hope that such signals will be picked by any spacefaring life forms capable of intercepting such a message. Should a signal be picked up from either side of the scope, our science and reality would change in an instant. Governments would be notified, and official committees formed. Space protocols would be enacted and the world’s populace informed of the incredible event should extraterrestrials lock on to Earth’s coordinates and pay us a visit. Many scientists believe that contact with extraterrestrials is only a matter of when, not if.

When they think of UFOs, most people imagine flying saucers, alien beings, advanced technology, and amazing spacecraft. An essence of superiority permeates our impressions of UFOs, due in part to the inability of our governments and military to catch them, control them, or coerce them into landing and presenting themselves to the world—at least for now. However, if contact with alien life forms has already been made, as some believe, the US government is not forthcoming with information. Only denials are offered, despite evidence to the contrary provided by pilots, astronauts, and other highly credible people. 

In reality, UFOs have been seen by people from all walks of life—royalty, presidents, celebrities, clergy, and citizens in countries all around the world. Many of them have shared their stories, evidence, and impressions of who and what the aliens are and why they are here. And yet we get no official word from the governments of the world and no disclosure of information. Some of these individuals—scientists, politicians, and laypeople alike—are among those who believe that the truth is out there and it is only a matter of time before we see ETs for ourselves. Others scoff at the very idea of UFOs or choose to simply wait and see. 

The second view of UFOs involves a much more spiritual application. Many people believe that a brotherhood of celestial beings will soon come to Earth to assist in our planetary evolution and membership into an interstellar society of united planets. Some people see aliens as space brothers, spirit masters, saviors of the world, helpers, teachers, protectors of the planet, our ancient alien ancestors, or even the gods of old. Aliens are viewed as benevolent benefactors of humanity who will show us how to lead kinder, gentler lives and develop an all-inclusive united society of planetary people. But it goes deeper than that. Some people look also for a new type of leadership on Earth and are actively working to bring it about. A movement is poised to welcome a global leader, be it from this world or another. 

I would like to offer a third view that incorporates Bible prophecy and the arrival on Earth of something or someone that could manifest the most incredible deception our planet has ever experienced. Could such an alien appearance be part of the great end-times deception talked about in the Bible? What could so amaze our highly technological world of advanced science and weaponry that we would feel so insignificant as to offer any resistance? What could cause superpowers to lay down arms, wealth to lose its importance, and corporations to stop conducting business? What could cause governments of the world to unite—or surrender?

It has become apparent from my own investigation that a diabolical plan has been in the works for a long time, a diabolical plan that would set upon this Earth a great deception from the farthest corners of the globe to the infinite expanse of space. Changes in politics, religion, and education all appear to be headed toward the acceptance of a united world and a possible intergalactic governing body. Perhaps this will come as the result of our world’s continued upward technological spiral into new and uncharted realities of science and beyond. But the spiritual values of humanity cannot be ignored, even if science advances an evolutionary hypothesis to explain humankind’s place in the universe. Our innate desire to worship something of greater moral value outside ourselves must be satisfied. We cannot establish a new and global spirituality alone, but indications suggest that a base of unseen forces, even benevolent ETs, is helping it along. Spirit masters with their “Plan of the Ages” advocate for the establishment of a new world teacher, new Christ, and new global leader—even a cosmic one.

How then does one merge the two beliefs of science and the supernatural and unite people who accept the existence of an alien brotherhood with scientists who continue to troll the outer regions of the universe in search of bona fide life? First of all, one would have to establish a protocol and methodology that would ultimately lead to the discovery of extraterrestrial life through acceptable scientific data that would appear nonthreatening to mainstream society.  One would then have to present viable evidence of the reality of the paranormal, especially in regard to unseen beings or other life forms. If both exist, then one theory could not overrule the other and they would have to work together. But one first has to prove that both exist. That’s perhaps where I come in. 

I can attest to the existence of the supernatural and UFOs based on the evidence I have collected as a Christian investigator through my own personal experiences and photographs. UFOs and spirits exist, and here’s the evidence. 

In many ways this evidence has served as the impetus of my becoming a Christian researcher by looking into why and where these things occur and what significance they have in people’s spiritual beliefs, none more so than with those promoting a new Christ, the one some call Maitreya. 

What happens when the spirit realm is not a secret anymore? What happens when you have valid palatable evidence of its existence? My experiences have caused me to think in much different ways—not about God, for my faith is still strong, but about them. Knowing that the Bible tells us these entities exist, what part might they play in future events? One answer might surprise you. 

In providing such evidence, however, I don’t mean to encourage anyone to seek them out, but rather to expose them. Whether posing as guides, masters, angels, or aliens, these entities are real, but in knowing this, we can know too that God is real. Thus Jesus is real, and He is going to return just exactly as He promised, and that’s the main point. 

Through Jesus, we are not in bondage to these unseen forces, nor should we fear them, but we certainly need to be aware of them and respect their power. God provides us the protection we need to keep us from their deceptive influence, but that doesn’t mean they won’t try. Dubious spirit beings masquerade in any number of forms, as spirit guides, ghosts, angels, and even extraterrestrials.

I have been a Christian researcher for over thirty years. I provided background research and appeared in the 1982 Christian documentary The New Age, A Pathway to Paradise? produced by WCFC Christian television in Chicago, Illinois. The documentary dealt with the growing New Age movement and included interviews with Christian authors Constance Cumbey and Dave Hunt, whom I had the privilege of working with.

Additionally, I have been a field investigator and state section director for the national Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) for Santa Clara County, California, and have spent many hours investigating reported UFO sightings. What I have learned along the way is that many paranormal experiences that people have in some New Age groups are nearly identical to what people are experiencing with UFOs. And I have had my own sightings.

It is my hope that the history and evidence provided here will lead you to a better understanding of our current times, the conspiracy against humanity, and the global deception it is bringing with it. I don’t believe anyone likes to expose his or her life for public consumption, and writing about my own is something I have stubbornly fought against for years. But finally it all came down to one very important question. What would I say if God asked me, “If you knew and had evidence, why didn’t you say something?” That was a sobering and frightening thought. So, I’m saying something.

The need is real. According to a January 2014 article by journalist Michael Snyder, data from a National Geographic survey showed that 77 percent of Americans believe that space aliens have visited Earth, but only 68 percent believe that Jesus is God or the Son of God. “With each passing year, the frequency of UFO sightings seems to keep increasing,” Snyder said. Movies, television shows, and even video games have been keen to capture the extraterrestrial genre, and their popularity is growing. Is it a fad or something more? Snyder continues, “It is almost as if the population of the planet is being primed for something. Could this phenomenon be the ‘strong delusion’ of the last days talked about in the Bible? And if there are beings out there that are not human, what is it that they want? Could it be that they have an extremely insidious agenda?”[i]

Looking back to the two popular viewpoints regarding UFOs, there is an obvious common denominator with both views: anticipation. The question that must be asked is this: What are we waiting for?